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Wetlands Alberta

Engaging Albertans to conserve and protect wetlands


Wetlands are great places to relax and have some fun.

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Related Links

Alberta Conservation Association
Formed in 1997, the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) is a non profit, non government association that works collaboratively to conserve, protect and enhance our natural biological resources.

Alberta Environment and Parks
Alberta Environment and Parks is a partner in protecting and enhancing Alberta’s natural environment, to ensure the continued enjoyment of a clean and healthy environment by all.

Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture (AESA) Program
AESA takes a balanced, collaborative approach to encouraging environmentally sound operations as a vital component of a sustainable agriculture industry.

Alberta North American Waterfowl Management Plan Partnership – Alberta NAWMP
The Alberta NAWMP Partnership works to promote healthy prairie, parkland and boreal landscapes that sustain bird populations and provide ecological and economic benefits for society.

Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Program – Cows and Fish
A program to promote the understanding and appreciation of riparian areas for landowners, resource managers and the general public.

Alberta Water Council
A multi-stakeholder partnership tasked with monitoring and stewarding the implementation of Alberta’s Water for Life strategy and to champion the achievement of the strategy’s outcomes.

Alberta’s Wetland Policy
Get more information about Alberta’s Wetland Policy.

Alberta Wetland Policy Implementation
Learn more about the tools and processes that have been created to support implementation of Alberta’s Wetland Policy.

Canadian Sphagnum: Peat Moss Association
An association devoted to promoting the long term health of the peat moss industry and promoting environmentally sound use of Canadian peatlands.

Canadian Wetland Classification System
Canadian Wildlife Service (Environment Canada) wetland classification information.

Canadian Wildlife Service
A part of Environment Canada, the federal agency responsible for conserving Canadian wildlife.

Ducks Unlimited Canada
A non profit organization committed to conserve, restore and manage wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl, wildlife and people.

Nature Conservancy Canada
A private, non-profit organization that partners with corporate and individual landowners to to protect and conserve natural areas through land donation, purchase and conservation easements.

North American Waterfowl Management Plan – NAWMP
Considered one of the most successful conservation initiatives in the world, NAWMP is an international action plan that contributes to the protection of habitat and wildlife species across the North American landscape.

North American Wetlands Conservation Council – Canada
Provides national leadership for the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and takes a leadership role in wetlands policy and awareness.

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
An intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.